Hello. Thanks for stopping by.
Currently a Data & Applied Scientist at Microsoft Canada, Vancouver.
My interests involve Applied Machine Learning and Software Development. I have experience working with various modalities such as images, texts and clinical datasets.
I completed my Masters degree from the University of Toronto in the Department of Computer Science in Applied Computing and my Bachelors degree from IIT Guwahati with a major in Computer Science and Engineering. Previously, I have worked in Huawei (Noah Arks Lab) as an Associate Researcher and at Samsung Research Institute as a Research Engineer.
When I am not coding I am mostly exploring new places, dancing or reading.
Here is my CV. You can contact me through any of the medium mentioned below. Have Fun!
Contributing to a new product, PRISM Feed. It will be the default experience on Bing Image Search
Developing machine learning models trained over images and videos and then deploying them on resource-constraint devices.
The internship aimed at analyzing the microscopy images of multi-cell cultures and extract intensity, shape, and texture-based features using machine learning techniques to quantify the cell-cell interactions.
Sensor-based In-house Tracking System
Voice Activity Detection
Explored denoising autoencoder based U-Net and perceptual GAN to impute k-space to improve the process of MRI reconstruction. Proposed the DAE-UNet method and trained using fastMRI dataset.
Theatrical presentation of the play, The Tempest, on a 180-degree curved screen leveraging the concept of proprioception and 3-D drawing for the character Ariel
ADHA is a device that is designed to support people who have had both their arms amputated above or below the elbow. It provides two major types of support:
A Harry-Potter themed MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) game based on Evennia Platform (a python-based development system). Developed as part of the Technothlon event, organised by Techniche (IIT Guwahati) for senior-secondary school students.
PS: It was fun to write an extended version of Harry Potter series for this game.
With the increase in presence of smart devices in our daily life, it is an important problem for these devices to be more intelligent. The most sought after problems in this area are activity recommendation and prediction. Researchers have proposed solutions for this problem, however, most of them are based on single-user home space. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised approach to separate the logs of multi-user home space into buckets equal to the number of users. With a minimal set of assumptions, the aim of the method is to transform the multi-user problem to a single-user problem. It is achieved by estimating the layout of the house and then tracking the users at room-level. We achieved empirically-determined high precision in estimating the layout and 74% accuracy in separating the multi-user stream.
Links: [paper]
Delivered as a guest speaker in QIP-STC 2017, conducted by Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi, titled on Machine Learning: Trends, Perspectives, and Prospects
Slides cannot be made public
Tech-Talk in Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati explaining and answering questions about the intricate details of the internal network of the college. It was an interest-based exploration that resulted in a talk.
Links: Slides
email: firstname [dot] lastname [dot] 47 [at] gmail [dot] com
Vancouver, Canada